心理作用:由於有紫色光,因此與紫晶有相同功用,放於書桌或辦公桌,可刺激腦力,加強集中注意力,有助讀書及考試,各種創意企劃的完成。可化解 僵硬的刻板價值觀,轉化成溫和有彈性的態度。
Purple Dragon
Characteristics - Elegant purple grace, a special white spiral ribbon, mixed with little bit of dark green, like a mysterious aristocratic royal style!
Physiological role:. corresponding to round and top round eyebrows, eyes and forehead to close the third part, can predict the ability of human development.
Psychological effect: As a violet light, so the same function with the amethyst, put on a desk or desk, can stimulate the brain to enhance concentration, will help study and examination, the completion of a variety of creative planning. Can resolve the values of the rigid stereotypes, into a moderate and flexible attitude.
尺寸/SIZE: 12mm
之前/Previously: RM109.90
现在/Now : Sold out^^
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