长寿之石,具促进幸福及富足之效。能招好运降临。有助舒缓压力。加强胆色与勇气。减低戾气、嫉妒及沮丧。黑玛瑙可消除恐惧,让人有安全感。可辟邪并防止低灵及负能量的侵扰,亦可将黑魔法及恶咒等负能量全全数反弹回原施加者。是居家、事业防护的宝石。可增加人对事物的宏观,尤其是在开创未来时,不会失了分寸及目标,并且使人在置身处地时不会失去立场。可降低原始的性欲,而不受欲念所制。黑玛瑙具有强大的投射能量,其黑色的作用除了可 以吸附负能量外,也可因为其光滑的镜面而将负能量反射回去,因此在做为结界来说具有强大效力。
Crystal name:Black Agate
Longevity of the stone, happiness and wealth effect. Help relieve the pressure. Strengthen the courage and courage.To reduce the hostility, jealousy and frustration. Can eliminate fear, make people feel secure. To ward off evil spirits and to prevent intrusion of negative energy, bounce back the black magic and evil to the person who curse you. Is a precious stone to protect home and your career. Increase the macro on the things, especially in the future creation, it will not lose a sense of proportion and goals, always stay on your position. In addition to its role in the black can absorb negative energy, but also because of its smooth and glossy and will reflect back negative energy, so as it has a strong effect of enchantment.
现在/Now : RM45 ONLY!!!!!
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