Monday, July 12, 2010

How To Buy?

Step 1:

Send us the detail : Name, E-mail, Phone no., Delivery Address and item's code to OR Fill in "ORDER NOW" form.

Step 2:

After confirmation, a reply via email from crystalsmana will state whether or not the item is available. If it is available, crystalsmana  will provide you with the total payable amount along with banking details.

Step 3:

Bank in the money via online/manual transaction.

Step 4:

Forward us the banking transaction details if via online banking as proof of payment along with these details:
  1. Date of Transaction/Amount:
  2. Transaction Method:
  3. Which Bank: exp CIMB Bank, 
(Please get to us once you have made your payment thru either sms or email. Else payment will be considered delayed and the item will be released to the next buyer.)

Step 5:

We will confirm your payment and will be sending your parcels within 1 - 2 working days!.

Step 6:

Your item has arrived! Feel free to comment our blog or e-mail us.

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