Wednesday, July 6, 2011






"Strawberry Stone" in bright colors, like strawberry juice like Hongyan, it is a beautiful color with unusual gem minerals

"Strawberry Stone" Lord of love, move peach, it can be conditioning the skin, increase blood for hearty mood of women, more contact with strawberry red white and stone can increase the color and enhance relationships.

"Strawberry Stone" to strengthen the chakra, conditioning of self-cultivation. Significant cosmetic effect: to help women conditioning endocrine system, blood circulation and metabolism, helps female hormones to help the reproductive system, treat gynecological diseases, pain after, blood reconcile, treatment frigidity, infertility, menopause weakness, low blood pressure, skin not shiny, fragile irritations.

尺寸/Size: 2.4cm长
价钱/Price: RM 63

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