Saturday, May 21, 2011



  海蓝宝石的英文名称为:BLUE SAPPHIRE,源于拉丁语Sea Water“海水”。传说,这种美丽的宝石产于海底,是海水之精华,所以航海家用它祈祷海神保佑航海安全,称其为“福神石”。我国宝石界称海蓝宝石为“蓝晶”。



Crystal name::BLUE SAPPHIRE
1. :BLUE SAPPHIRE- :BLUE SAPPHIRE origin of the name
, comes from the Latin Sea Water "water. " Legend, this beautiful gem produced in the sea, is the essence of water, so use it to pray Poseidon navigator bless the safety of navigation, called "mascot stone. " Aquamarine gem industry, said China is "aquamarine. "

BLUE SAPPHIRE has long been regarded as a "stone of the brave", and was seen as a sign of happiness and eternal youth. Many countries in the world of :BLUE SAPPHIRE as "the March birthstone, " a symbol of calm, brave and intelligent. To wear :BLUE SAPPHIRE to make prescient. It also has the power of hypnosis and pressure and the evil magic of the medical value of :BLUE SAPPHIRE soaked with water can cure diseases of the eye and the fight uh. :BLUE SAPPHIRE is the five elements of water, the most suitable person to use the five elements of water and hi wear. Some want to use more appropriate language, speech, voice and other industries. Such as teachers and salesmen, and so on.
:BLUE SAPPHIRE Ore is the romantic flavor of the sea! also reminiscent of the blue sky, transparent to translucent, blue gems, people saw that a good mood.

3. :BLUE SAPPHIRE and Effect
【Characteristics】 transparent to translucent, blue gem, a good friend of small items, often cloudy natural Binglie and impurities.
】 【physiological role of the blue throat chakra corresponds to help enhance communication and presentation skills, in the vicinity of the throat, trachea, thyroid glands and other organs with a very effective, suitable for wearing around the throat.
【】 used psychological and metaphysical aquamarine for the power of meditation can achieve a certain degree of communication, and thus be able to master the use of time and space is a precious symbol of love and peace.

尺寸/SIZE: 35gram
现在/Now : RM265 ONLY!!!!!



﹡ 电气石能吸收油漆、胶体等产品所发出的异味。用于建筑装潢粉刷内墙,可吸附油漆、胶体、涂料所发出的异味。在涂料中加入少量的超细电气石粉、刷在内墙和天花板上,不但可以迅速吸除异味、还能长期吸除烟味。
(1) 产生负离子
负离子又称为[ 空气的维他命 ],具有调节人体离子平衡作用,能使身心放松,活化细胞,提高自然治愈率等作用,并能抑制身体的氧化或老化,现代的环境具有许多促使正离子生成的要因,身体经常处于紧张状态,因此,负离子是现代人不可或缺的物质,此外,负离子也具有除臭的功效。
(2) 电解水
(3) 放射远红外线(4—14微米的成长光线)
(4) 含有有效微量矿物质
(5) 缩小水分子束

Crystal Name:Tourmaline (Tourmaline)
Tourmaline contains a variety of natural minerals, many of which are the same as with human essential minerals. By weak currents, minerals, easily absorbed, is an excellent source of minerals.
Other roles Tourmaline: Tourmaline according to different purposes, there are electrical powder, ultrafine Tourmaline, Nano Tourmaline. For industries involved: surrounded, cigarettes, paint, textile, cosmetics, water purification, air purification, anti-electromagnetic radiation and health products.
* Tourmaline can absorb paint, gel and other products issued by the smell. For construction and decoration painting walls, can be adsorbed paint, gel, paint odors. In a small amount of ultra-fine coating of electrical powder, brush the walls and ceiling, not only can quickly suck odor, but also long-term suck smoke.
Single crystal of tourmaline of the biggest advantages is the ability to generate a weak current of 0.06 mA permanent, and the current through the human nervous like to promote blood circulation it. Divided into the following four characteristics.
(1) the negative ion
Anion is also known as [air vitamin], can regulate the role of ion balance the body, make mental and physical relaxation, activation of cells and improve the natural cure rate and other effects, and can inhibit the oxidation or aging of the body, to promote modern environment has many positive ions generated to be due to the body constant state of tension, therefore, negative ions are essential for modern material, in addition, negative ions also has a deodorizing effect.
(2) the electrolysis of water
Water solution, the active role of the interface can be obtained, the stability of chlorine, iron passivation (prevention of red rust occurred generate red water), the reduction of water to remove silica and adhesive properties (microbial aggregates) and other effects. Tourmaline reacts with water, can handle even the chemical detergent and chemical substances are difficult to deal with.
(3) far infrared radiation (4-14 microns of growth light)
Far infrared can penetrate into the deeper parts of the body, warm cells, promote blood circulation, metabolism and smooth. Far-infrared emission power of tourmaline nearly 100% higher value than other minerals.
(4) contains a valid trace minerals
(5) narrow beam of water molecules
Water molecules (H2O) is not a stand alone, its molecules will be combined to form a molecular beam. Molecular beam to remove chlorine or small water impurities, tastes good, but also can enhance the penetration of the body.

现在/Now       : RM80 ONLY!!!!!




Crystal name:Ametrine
 Amethyst citrine by natural geothermal heat through the role, and slowly fading from, so Ametrine combines the characteristics of amethyst and citrine, which will have natural Binglie and moire generation. Amethyst by Westerners regarded as "honest and stone ", which symbolizes the sincere, honest and kind, but also a symbol of innocence and happiness. Westerners will topaz as the "stone of friendship" on behalf of sincere , beauty and bright; symbol of the rich states, can eliminate fatigue, can control their emotions and help to rebuild their confidence and life goals, purple Citrine symbolizes wisdom and wealth, but also strengthen the sixth sense, to resolve small-minded. Its energy is very introverted, stable is good for mental and physical peace, but also enhance the elegant movement, get rid of bad luck the best crystal.

尺寸/SIZE: 12mm
之前/Previously: RM59.90
现在/Now       : Sold out!!!!!




界”里最强能量的显现,因此,黄水晶的能量很强烈地对应着物质和财富。并且黄水晶结合精神与肉体的力量,建立并保持一个人的精神元气,教人脚踏实地,增强落实能力。它能带来偏财运,能增强气场中的黄光,黄光会影响物质生活和财运,可创造意想不到的财富,是从事服务性商业公司及商家不可或缺的招财宝,并有催财之功效。此外,黄水晶主脐轮,有消解 紧张情绪,帮助肠胃等消化系统的功能。因此,把黄水晶摆设配合家中或办公室的财位摆放,可大大增强财运。其能量的震动频率影响人类的太阳神经丛,属理智体,主财运,可创造意外之财。黄水晶的能量, 相应于人体中的太阳,是投射性能量,属日,属火。它对应太阳轮,属理智体,主肠胃功能同时也是双子座守护石!

Crystal Name: Citrine
 Main side wealth. Citrine yellow cosmic energy, commonly known as the stone of wealth. Moderate yellow to give the human mind into a harmonious power, strengthening the aura, people are full of confidence and joy. Yellow is "material
 Community "in the strongest manifestation of energy, so energy is very strong yellow crystals correspond to the material and wealth. and topaz with mental and physical strength, to establish and maintain a person's spiritual strength, and enhance the implementation of capacity . It brings Windfall, can enhance the gas fields in the yellow light, yellow light will affect the material life and wealth, can create unexpected wealth, is in the service of commercial companies and businesses move indispensable treasure, and a reminder Finance The effect. In addition, the main umbilical round citrine, a digestion tension, help the stomach and other digestive functions. Therefore, the yellow crystal display with the home or office display the financial position, can greatly enhance the wealth. its energy vibration frequency Solar plexus of the human, is the mental body, the main wealth, could create a windfall. topaz energy, corresponding to the human body in the sun, is the projection of energy, is a day to fire. It corresponds to the sun gear, is a sensible Body, the main guardian of gastrointestinal function and also Gemini Stone!
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尺寸/Size 26.8gram
现在/Now       : RM200 ONLY!!!!!




Black agate Anklet




黑条纹玛瑙(Black striped agate)
现在/Now       : 10mm just RM20 ONLY!!!!!


天眼玛瑙 14mm RM50




1、 葡萄石能使思考明晰、具有提高直觉感的力量。
2、 在资讯泛滥的现代,思考多少因此变得混乱,葡萄石能指引你选择最适合的道路。
3、 因挫折变得消极的时候,佩带葡萄石可以增强毅力提高耐性,引导你实现目标。

Crystal Name: Prehnite
 1, prehnite can think clear, increase the power of intuitive sense .
 2,  Thinking so much will causes confusion, prehnite can guide you to select the most appropriate way.
 3, when the frustration lead to negative, and adorned with grape stone can enhance the persistence increased patience and guide you achieve your goals.

尺寸/SIZE: 12mm
现在/Now       : RM55 ONLY!!!!!
